Find your dream BD jobs today with CareerDesh

Whether you are looking for a new career change or progressing to the next stage in your career ladder CareerDesh is here to help you


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Highest Paid BD Jobs Today

When looking at the available Bangladesh jobs, you have a great many options for a career. What, though, are the

How to improve your interview skills when applying for jobs in Dhaka

Interview skills are absolutely essential when applying for jobs in Dhaka. What can you do to refine your interview technique?




Top Tips for Applying for Bangladesh Bank Jobs
10 Sep

Top Tips for Applying for Bangladesh Bank Jobs

Looking for your dream BD job in the banking sector? Look no further, CareerDesh is here to help and a leading online career portal to access premium jobs in Bangladesh. Are

The Rise of IT Jobs in Bangladesh
10 Sep

The Rise of IT Jobs in Bangladesh

Find your dream BD job in the IT sector with CareerDesh, an innovative online career portal for premium jobs in Bangladesh. With the rapid rise of internet adoption worldwide, the

Top Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance in Bangladesh
10 Sep

Top Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance in Bangladesh

Find your dream BD jobs today with CareerDesh, a leading online career portal for premium jobs in Bangladesh. Are you struggling to find the right balances between your work and