Career Blog

How to write a successful CV when applying for jobs in Dhaka

Your curriculum vitae (CV) is one of the most important tools you have when applying for jobs in Dhaka. What can you do to make your CV stand out?

Your curriculum vitae (CV) is one of the most important tools you have when applying for jobs in Dhaka. Read this article by CareerDesh to find out what can you do to make your CV stand out.

For anyone applying for BD jobs today, the sheer volume of competition can make standing out tough. This is why having a clear, considerate, professional curriculum vitae (CV) is so important. Your CV is the foot in the door that you need to convince an employer to give you a second glance.

You likely know the basics of what a CV should include, but what can you do to make your CV more appealing to those hiring for jobs in Dhaka?

Simple tips to make your CV more successful when applying for jobs in Dhaka


1. Brevity is the key

CVs are a dime a dozen, and if you hand over a CV that reads like a novella, you will find your CV sitting in a shredder. Your CV should be, at most, two pages long. CVs stay in the hands of a recruiter for under ten seconds unless it makes a good impression. Do not scare them off by handing over something that will take them their lunch break to review!

2. Fill in the career gaps

Look, we all have had periods where we have not had work. Even with so many jobs in Dhaka, you can easily find yourself unemployed for a period of months. Employers, though, see this as a red flag. If you were out of work for some time, fill in those professional gaps. Show that you have done something like a course to improve your skills or that you took time to volunteer. This looks better than having blanks on your CV.

3. Proofread every last sentence

All it takes is one typo in your CV, and you can find that your CV is in the recycling bin. Avoid making any mistakes – read over every last word with a fine toothcomb. Avoidable errors like typos show you as someone carefree and not detail-oriented, which is not an attribute employers want. Use a spellchecker or run it through a proofreading device – if you need to, hire a proofreader online.

4. Provide examples of your success

So, in your last job, you said that you managed to reduce customer cancellations. Well, by how much? Show your work. If the company was finding it had a cancellation rate of 3% and you brough it down to 2%, tell your next employer. Could you give examples that show you did your job? Generic platitudes make it sound like you are simply filling in the blanks; can you show what made you a success in your previous roles? If so, you should.

5. Avoid buffing up your experience

It always feels good to make yourself out to be the go-to expert on any given task. Yet, do this too often on your CV, and you risk being accused of being a liar. Avoid putting claims on your CV that you cannot back up. Tell the truth, even if you worry it might not make you sound as elite as you would have hoped. The truth sells – getting caught out in an interview over a professional lie certainly does not!

6. Make your CV and cover letter as bespoke as possible

Last but by no means least, ensure that your CV is not just a generic cut-and-paste that you hand out en masse. A good CV is refined to be for each role you apply for. This means looking at the job’s requirements and ensuring that your CV speaks to the employer to show that you have the skills they are asking for. It means lots of adjustments, but it makes your CV more applicable.

Keep the above tips in mind, and you should find it much easier to build a CV that recruiters and employers take seriously. These simple tips can turn your CV into one that increases your chance of landing consistent interviews and employment.

On behalf of CareerDesh, we hope you found this blog useful in relation to writing a successful CV when applying for BD jobs today. We wish you all the best for your future career goals and applying for your desired Dhaka jobs.

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